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How Senior Managers can Become C-level Executives

Jakob Barandun

So you’re a good manager, you always deliver the numbers, your team respects you, but you want to make the next step up in the executive hierarchy. Have you thought about the steps you need to make in order to transition into more senior level roles? We all need a plan, so here are some thoughts on how to get noticed:

Be Forward Thinking

Don’t get caught up in the day-to-day. Look up and outward – What is the market doing, what’s new that we are missing out on? We know what’s happening here, but avoid looking down and inward. What are you going to do here that’s going to make an impact not just in your department / division but company wide?


Network inside and outside of your current company. Go to industry events that you avoid because you are too busy. Listen, learn, and more importantly, make some changes back at the office. Connect with thought leaders. Look for themes that are emerging in your sector and how you can incorporate these into your business.

Set Your Long Term Goals

Focus on longer-term goals; short termism is killing a lot of great ideas. Not everything works out but taking risks is part of moving a business forward. Look at the greatest business leaders; many have had a chequered history of successes. Despite this, they keep their eye on the long term gain. Think about how you manage the here and now, but more importantly, what you are planning for next year.


Don’t be afraid to shake things up – to innovate you may need to be like Nike and “Just Do It.” Be brave. Sometimes you have to stand by the courage of your convictions. True business leaders are not afraid to try out new ideas. Start small, run pilots, evaluate the risks, look at the returns and “Just Do It.”


Do the right thing, don’t lose your moral compass. In order to get things done, you don’t necessarily have to burn bridges. Good governance is vital in all well run companies. Never cut corners in safety, or play loose and fast with the law. It will always come and bite you back in the end. “5 Things Senior Managers can do to Become a C-level Executive via @careerintel”]As well as these top five tips. Here are some key skills to work on that many recruiters are looking for in many potential CEO candidates.

  1. Thought leaders

    1. A proven knowledge of their field of work.

  2. Advanced Communication skills

    1. Politically astute & social media savvy

  3. Strategic thinkers

    1. An eye to the long term

  4. Action focused

    1. Do they get things done?

  5. Interpersonal skills

    1. Don’t underestimate this. CEOs need to be able to work well with people.

Source: read://

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