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How to be a powerful CEO Three Qualities of Powerful Leaders

Jakob Barandun

The position of Chief Executive Officer of a company is more than just another job. It represents the brass ring, the pinnacle of achievement, and the culmination of a career. However, the day that you start as a CEO is the first day of the hardest job of your life. It is the day you take the success of the company and the welfare of everyone who works for it or invests in it onto your own shoulders. A CEO can be many things, and career competence and business acumen are compulsory, but being good at your job alone will not make you the kind of CEO that a company needs.

  • The main quality of a top CEO is strong leadership

So what qualities do you need to be a great CEO? First, you have to be a great leader within and without the business world. Most of the CEOs who have taken their companies to the highest success have shown leadership and the ability to guide others outside the office. Whether it is sports, politics, community service or sharable endeavors, a CEO has an almost complete compulsion to lead others. This can be a natural quality or one that is cultivated through trial and error, but boldly stepping up and taking the reins of leadership whenever they present themselves is a good first step.

  • The personality of a powerful CEO is defined by isolation

It may be a cliché to say that it is lonely at the top, but that doesn’t make it inaccurate. A CEO probably got as far as they did in the business world by making a lot of friends, building significant connections with others, and leveraging relationships to the best purpose. A CEO who isn’t a people person is not much of a CEO at all. However, in the new ballgame that is being the head of a company, a CEO needs to divest themselves from some of these entanglements. A CEO who engages in cronyism, nepotism and other forms of favoritism is doing incalculable damage to their company. The knowledge that you must put aside all affinity and judge the performance of others strictly on merit can be very isolating. The powerful CEO will not suffer in this solitude but rather thrive on it.

  • The underrated attribute a CEO needs to be successful

A cottage industry has popped up around CEOs as thought leaders, cataloging everything from when they rise in the morning to what they eat for lunch. For those who would emulate these successful individuals, they should not look at their thoughts or their actions, but rather their temperament. The importance of temperance and the ability to rein in emotion when tempers flare cannot be understated. When everyone else in the boardroom is in a panic, the one with their hand on the steering wheel of the company cannot flinch. They need to guide those around them to the singular purpose that defines their company’s vision, and that requires a great deal of self-control.

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